Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Month 7: Character Design and Creation/Geomotry and Measurnment

Just turned in my final submission for CDC, and starting my new classes tomorrow. CDC took the lions share of this months time as it required a lot of learning. I also finally went to IKEA and bougha desk... its pretty amazing going from working on my lap.

Here is the new command center.

We were to create a medium resolution realistic character model based on a real person. The class provided all the reference pictures of our models body parts, from there we had 2-3 body parts due each week. By the end of the month the character had to be turned in fully attached. What made this challenging is that everything had to be modeled a specific way. Certain loops had to be in certain places.

Here is an example from the early stages of my model. All the colored areas here were very specific on how they were to be laid out. They are laid out in a way that makes the model functional if they are to be animated. 

Here are some of the progress pictures as I modeled my character.

some early renders

I had my character fully modeled by the end of week 2. I spent the next week or so trying to learn a software package called zbrush. Zbrush is primarily a modeling package that aproched modeling like digital sculpting. You can take something you model in Maya, bring it into Zbrush and sculpt it like its clay. I used zbrush to make my characters hair. Its going to take a lot longer than a week to get a handle on Zbrush so the hair came out so so. To me it just kinda looks strange, but here are the hair progress pictures.

We also had to UV the characters, meaning we had to cut up all the geometry so there is no stretching/distortion if we were to paint textures on them. Here is what that looks like

The UV collage.

When I had the project completed I did a few renders and gave it a bit of color. The eyes/facial hair were not necessary  but I did them anyways.

I also did some extra credit and posed the character out and modeled her some boots.

 We had in class speed sculpt challenges with a free program called sculptress.
Here is an ear I made in like 20 min.

10% of the classes grade was kind of an artistic project. We were directed to a website where it randomly generated  a character. The one I generated was Medieval Demon Hunter from the Past. We had to develop all the clothing ideas, draw them out and for each article, lay out the specifics regarding materials used ect…
I spent a lot of time on mine and revised it a few times.

Progress pictures..

Here is the final submission

Here is some zoomed in shots... the total resolution is like 4000x2000

This took a LOT of time and I was pretty pleased with the outcome considering its my second time using the digital pen.  95% of this is free handed.. a few things like the hood embroidery, original face, background castle are mostly traced. All the textures were created by me not copied/clone stamped.

So that was it for CDC just turned in my stuff so have no clue about grades.

Ohh yeah there was also my geometry and measurement class.
Nothing really to say about it.... pretty much what you would expect. Perfected the final, finished with a 98.8% in the class.

Next month is 2d animation/physics =)