Friday, May 31, 2013

Month 3: 3d Foundations/Art History

For the last time until month 6 my transfer credits get me out of a painful schedule. This was the first really exciting month because it was course specific, and I had tons of free time to excel. This class is composed of only two degree programs, CA and GA or computer animation/ game art. We will be paired together for the first year then we go our separate ways. The classes were also structured in a way that they will be for the rest of the curriculum. Every day there is a 4 hour lecture from the course director, with a 4 hour lab on the other side of the campus where we work on our projects under lab instructor supervision. The lecture consists of about 80 students while the lab groups are broke into thirds. Mine, fortunately followed the lecture, others had to attend their lab class at 9pm, or 1am.

This class focused on all aspects of the animation pipeline at a VERY basic level. The entire month you are working on your final project which is a six second animation. The pipeline goes as follows...Storyboarding-->modeling-->texturing-->rigging-->animating-->lighting-->Rendering. You are gave a list of about 30 basic movement animations to pick from and that's your project. The course director critiqued mine in front of the class and praised it for its fluid animation and great use of lighting.
Here is some of the work from that month


Character for Scene

Texturing project (not related to scene)

Panoramic Shot of Lab

6 Sec final project with a bonus Follow cam i messed with in spare time.

Most of my spare time this month I spent working on projects. I also started a little movie I called submarine adventures

Many struggled with this class, and with maya, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and 100%ed it.