Art 1 revolves around 5 art principles, Line/value&shape/proportion&scale/texture&pattern/color. For each of these principles we had to accumulate 9 points worth of projects. We are gave lists of projects ranging in difficulty, and point value. Some may choose to do nine 1 point beginner projects, while more experienced artists may choose to do one 9 point professional project. Between each of the principles our mentors would go through our work, and select one piece from each category for our final portfolio that would be worth 60% of our grade. Here are a few of the better ones.




The course director really liked the divers helmet, and the dog by the window, so they will be displayed in the schools art gallery. Value was for sure my favorite.
The other class I had was model creation (MCR). This class takes the very basic modeling we did in 3DF and expands on it ten fold. The course director/lecturer used to work for Disney, and was a molder/animator for Stitch from Lelo and Stitch.
The class is composed of four projects. Project 1 we model about 9 objects from a predetermined list for a garage.
Project 2 we learn about smoothing out our objects to model and populate a cafe scene. This project demands higher quality objects, and more objects.
Umbrella for my scene (took about 7 hours)

The 3rd project is related to textured and kind of unrelated to modeling.
The final project is really the nuggets of the class, and we get the last week and a half of the month to work on it. We are supposed to choose a picture of a room from 1 of 3 difficulties. There is no advantage to choosing a more difficult room besides to challenge yourself. Each of the three difficulties has about 3-5 rooms to choose from. I chose a Tier 1 (most difficult) room called the Loft.
This was my reference Picture

The rooms are graded on many many aspects of technical, professional, and artistic requirements, and have to match the shot camera exactly.
Here is an early version of my office chair.

Completed scene in wireframe
This is a completed scene that I lit and rendered.... lighting and rendering was not necessary for the project, but I wanted to see it pop.
This labor of love took around 100 hours. Had I known what I was doing I probably could have done it in half the time.
Ok so.... apparently my efforts were noticed because I came out of these classes with two awards that I did not even know existed. Frank (the MCR director) pulled me aside to thank me for showing what can be done in a month from someone who really goes after it. He said he has only gave out 5 100%s on a final in his years of teaching the course, and this may be another. He said he was going to award me the course directors award! Im not exactly sure what that is, but it sounds pretty hot.
ALSO, I received an email from the art course director Brian yesterday letting me know he was nominating me for the advanced achiever award. This award goes to 1 person every graduating class, so I guess its cool that I have been nominated. Again im not exactly sure what that award means, but its probably on the schools website somewhere.
Outside of class I really had almost no time. For the first 20 days of the month I only slept about 4 hours each day, no complaints though. My car was hit by another student driver who was on his cell phone and in a hurry. (his insurance is paying for damages)

and my credit card was used by someone in Saint Cloud Florida! That cards been cancelled and I'm getting my money back.
Hmmm.... so that's been my busy month, next month is Art 2 and Shading and Lighting.