Friday, May 31, 2013

Month 2: Overview of Media Design & Tech Industries/ EnglishComposition 1

Again transfer credits got me out of English comp, so again the month was not so bad. This class also was not degree specific, however it was school specific. Meaning it was specific to the ARTS portion of Full Sail. If that sounds confusing go to the school's website and check out the programs.  In this class we did a LOT of discussions. Usually the first hour of class was just a student lead discussion about a topic we were giving at the end of the previous class. We did a lot of projects involving researching things about our industries, and presenting our findings to the class. The final project was a 5 person group presentation that lasted about 20 minutes. Our group discussed failures in the industry.

With my free time this month I cracked into an Intro to Maya 2013 book. If you dont know what maya is ----->

I went through several tutorials culminating with this awesomeness.

Later I would find out how incorrectly I modeled this, and how it is complete crap.  I also got back into drawing after not touching a sketchbook for like 10 years.

Full Sail also did their yearly Hall of Fame event.  This was a massive week long even where they have all kinds of guest speakers. I attended a ceremony where they inducted 5 or 6 previous students into their hall of fame. The one on the right (Jeremy Vickers, i think his name was) works for Pixar now.

On a side note, I learned how to make awesome chicken dumplings in my crock pot this month.